Olga Makarova (aka Olga McArrow or Mildegard) is a sci-fi and fantasy writer, author of "Gifts of wandering ice" (sci-fi webcomic), "Cold Obsidian" (illustrated fantasy novel), "Tales from the Afterworld" (collection of illustrated short stories), and other books. 

Ольга Макарова (или Мильдегард) пишет фантастику и фэнтези. Автор научно-фантастического комикса "Дары бродячих льдов", а также книг "Обсидиановая Триада" (фэнтези) и сборника фантастических рассказов "Замирье".

Olga Makarova (aŭ Mildegard) verkas sciencfikcion kaj fantazion. La autoro de la komikso "Donacoj de glacimontoj", kolekto da fantaziaj rakontoj "Malantaŭmondo" kaj aliaj libroj.

Comics / Комиксы

Gifts of wandering ice / Дары бродячих льдов
GIFTS OF WANDERING ICE - sci-fi comic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs

Support the author on Boosty: boosty.to/mildegard


GWI - Part1 - Tip of the iceberg 
GWI - Part2 - The core
GWI - Part3 - Imaginary child
Ice Gift

ДАРЫ БРОДЯЧИХ ЛЬДОВ - научно-фантастический комикс о древних вещах, которые люди находят в тающих айсбергах.

Поддержать автора можно на Бусти: https://boosty.to/mildegard

Электронные книги:

Дары - Часть 1 - Верхушка айсберга
Дары - Часть 2 - Сердцевина
Дар льдов

Novels / Повести

Obsidian Trilogy / Обсидиановая Триада
OBSIDIAN TRIAD - illustrated fantasy novel about an unruly magical world created by dreamers



Cold Obsidian
Hot Obsidian
Smoky Obsidian

ОБСИДИАНОВАЯ ТРИАДА - иллюстрированная фэнтези повесть о непокорном мире, созданном сновидцами


Электронные книги:

Первый Обсидиан
Второй Обсидиан

Short stories / Рассказы

Afterworld / Замирье
TALES FROM THE AFTERWORLD - collection of illustrated short stories



Tales from the Afterworld

ЗАМИРЬЕ - сборник иллюстрированных фантастических рассказов.


Электронная книга:


Links and extras

Gifts of wandering ice - sci-fi webcomic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs. Updates twice a week.

Obsidian Trilogy (Cold Obsidian - Hot Obsidian - Smoky Obsidian) - webnovel about a fantasy world with artificially stabilized magic.

Random Webcomic - webcomic roulette, a simple site that sends you to a random webcomic in one click when you want to read something new.

Дары бродячих льдов - научно-фантастический комикс о древних вещах, которые люди находят в тающих айсбергах.

Обсидиановая Триада - фентези повесть о мире с искусственно стабилизированной магией.

Сыр и Амасек - Блог о книгах, комиксах, играх и продвижении своего творчества в интернете.

Случайный Вебкомикс - рулетка русскоязычных вебкомиксов, которая выдает вам случайный комикс с просторов сети в один клик.

Ko-fi (one-time donations)
Patreon (monthly donations)
Gumroad (bookstore)
Twitter (@gifts_webcomic)
VK (darldov)
Now (@mildegard)

mcarrow olga (a) gmail com
mildegard (a) yandex ru

About "Gifts of wandering ice"
"Gifts of wandering ice" is a sci-fi webcomic about ancient things people find in melting icebergs.
The story is set in a peaceful matriarchal society where human life is valued greatly and is focused on exploration and character development. "Ice gifts" people study to understand their past are things belonging to a dead civilization - New Atlantis - that was a postapocalyptic society as well. 

About "Obsidian Trilogy"
"Obsidian Trilogy" is an illustrated webnovel set in a world where magic must be stabilized artificially in order to be used by humans. It combines sci-fi and fantasy elements and touches lucid dreaming a bit.
In "Cold obsidian" we will follow the story of a young man who becomes an apprentice of the creators of his world and gets involved in their affairs.
In "Hot obsidian" we will follow the story of a boy raised by a mysterious Hot Obsidian cult with a purpose that is as great as it is sinister.
In "Smoky obsidian" we will watch both their stories collide.

Adge's Manor - personal website of Alan Jackson, author of "Seer Walks Out" (a novel about a young shaman and her tribe set in postapocalyptic South Wales) and other stories. He translated all the poems in "Obsidian Trilogy" from Russian into English.

Spiderforest Collective - a community of webcomic creators. GWI is one of their webcomics.

Литературная сеть — современная литература.

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